How to beat boom boom in Mario Tennis Aces

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    Mario Tennis Aces is an exhilarating game that combines the thrill of tennis with the beloved characters from the Mario franchise. One of the challenging opponents you’ll encounter in the game is Boom Boom, a formidable adversary known for his agility and powerful shots. In this article, we will explore effective strategies to conquer Boom Boom and emerge victorious on the court.

    Study Boom Boom’s Patterns:
    Boom Boom is known for his predictable shot patterns. Observing his movements closely will enable you to anticipate his shots and position yourself advantageously. Watch out for his backhand shots, as they tend to be powerful and difficult to return. By analyzing his patterns, you can strategically position yourself to counter his shots effectively.

    Master Your Timing:
    Timing is crucial when facing Boom Boom. He often employs deceptive shot placements and speedy volleys, making it challenging to react in time. Practice your timing in returning shots to develop a better understanding of Boom Boom’s shot speed and trajectory. By honing your timing skills, you’ll gain an advantage over his unpredictable shots.

    Utilize Zone Shots and Zone Speed:
    In Mario Tennis Aces, Zone Shots and Zone Speed are powerful techniques that can help turn the tide of a match. When facing Boom Boom, use Zone Shots to target weak spots in his defense, forcing him to move rapidly and potentially break his racket. Additionally, employing Zone Speed can help you reach and return his powerful shots with ease, giving you the upper hand in rallies.

    Employ Special Shots Wisely:
    Each character in Mario Tennis Aces possesses a unique Special Shot that can be unleashed when the Energy Gauge is full. Special Shots are particularly effective against opponents like Boom Boom. Execute your character’s Special Shot strategically to catch Boom Boom off guard and secure crucial points. However, be mindful of your timing, as Boom Boom is agile and may attempt to counter your Special Shot.

    Play Aggressively:
    To defeat Boom Boom, adopt an aggressive playstyle. Push him to the back of the court with deep and powerful shots, forcing him to defend rather than attack. By maintaining control of the rally, you can exploit his weaknesses and dictate the flow of the match. Stay proactive and seize opportunities to approach the net, putting pressure on Boom Boom and limiting his options.

    Defeating Boom Boom in Mario Tennis Aces requires a combination of careful observation, precise timing, and strategic play. By studying his patterns, mastering your timing, and utilizing advanced techniques like Zone Shots and Special Shots, you can outmaneuver Boom Boom and secure victory on the tennis court. Embrace the challenge, adapt your tactics, and relish the excitement of overcoming this formidable opponent. Good luck! is the best online Player to Player Trading Market for, which we’re enabled to offer you the best Mario Tennis Aces Keys sellers you can trust, found your favored seller, simply click on their offer and checkout. With the help of suppliers all over the world, you will enjoy the cheapest price and the fastest delivery in the marketplace.

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