WhatsApp Plus Rojo is a free application that adds a lot of features to WhatsApp, including improved privacy and security features. This app also lets you customize your chats with emojis and new themes. You can also use it to send and receive high-resolution multimedia messages. It can be downloaded from the Google Play Store for Android devices.
WhatsApp Plus Rojo is the latest version of WhatsApp, and it is a great way to protect yourself against the prying eyes of others. This application will prevent your contacts from deleting any messages you send them. This way, you can keep your conversations and photos safe. You can also keep track of the messages others have sent to you.
WhatsApp Plus Rojo has a colorful interface and supports large picture sizes. The app also lets you block people or disable notifications. You can also customize your app by changing the colors of your icons and adding your favorite videos or photos. The app also lets you block people or groups that you no longer want to receive.
Another cool feature of WhatsApp Plus Rojo is its internal translator. It can translate messages into any language. It also has an option to hide the last-seen status.
This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by Ronal Criss.