5 Reasons to integrate video into your Web Marketing Strategy

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    Alex Samuel

    Today, the integration of digital at the heart of professional practices has become essential to gain visibility on the web. Search engines keep reminding us of the importance, in particular, of quality content. There is not one content, but several types of content, which are not produced in the same way and which do not have the same challenges. Among the best practices and emerging trends, video proves to be a precious tool for a coherent and effective web marketing strategy which will promote a better return on investment as well as a good conversion rate.

    A content format appreciated by Internet users
    Like any content, the video must address a well-defined target and meet a goal. We must offer useful content, it must have a useful for the user. To support you in implementing an effective digital strategy, you can call on a digital marketing agency .

    To arouse the interest of the Internet user, you have to adapt to your habits, which spend a lot of their time on their mobile phone. First argument for the integration of video, and not least: video communication is necessary because customers are mobile. Internet users are increasingly turning to 100% mobile networks that allow users to capture and absorb experiences. Video embodies this turning point, its storage rate is higher than other formats.

    An emotional connection
    We saw in a previous article that in email marketing, colors could play a role on psychologyof the user. Video support allows you to go much further, and create unique immersive experiences. Video allows you to create unique immersive experiences. An agency dedicated to webmarketing via video redleos(.)com/video-production-services/ will be able to accompany you from A to Z by designing with you the scenario adapted to the story and the message you wish to convey. Integrating video into your content strategy allows you to tell a story to enhance your DNA or deliver messages of educational value. It allows to engage more Internet users. Digital communication agencies often have within them a motion design department which will be able to pilot this kind of project for a high quality video. It makes your content dynamic and sometimes viral.

    Gain visibility and better SEO
    If there is one piece of advice that a digital marketing agency redleos.com will give you, it is to integrate video into your website, whose position in search engines will be significantly improved. In addition, Youtube , Twitter, Facebook are all platforms where your video is likely to be shared. These social networks promote these formats. If you doubt the interest of the video and a good positioning on Youtube, look at these figures given in this article

    YouTube is the 3rd most visited site in the world;
    It represents between 3 and 4% of the page views in the world
    The home page alone receives 2.7 million unique visitors per day in France
    Video, for an optimal content strategy, is imperative, it will significantly improve your SEO. It encourages visitors to spend more time on your site, thus indicating to search engines that it provides relevant quality content and deserves better SEO. One last piece of advice and not the least: make sure to place your video in the upper half of the page.

    Digital marketing is not just about social media or blogging. It is a delicate and nebulous sector in perpetual mutation which requires a watch and a daily attention. It’s the job of a good digital communication agency to put together the best possible web strategy for you. When used effectively, relevant video content has significant power.

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